Image: Foursquare.com
My addiction to technology is getting worse. I've also realized that I am okay with it, well mostly. Except if I forget to charge my phone, then it's going to be a problem.
The worst offender in my life is my Apple iPhone. I have had it for almost a year and a half now and I love everything about it. This device can incorporate video, news, books, email, music, everything on the net and I almost forgot, the phone. Smart phones are literally the definition of convergence, and they will work everywhere you go on a daily basis. Needless to say, I have no trouble occupying myself on the bus ride to class, reading tweets, reading news or listening to music.
There are a few Apps that I use constantly. One of them is called Echophone, it's what I have been using to update and check my Twitter feed. However, I've recently found that I'm getting tired of tweeting. I don't usually use Twitter unless I have something interesting to say, such as an entertaining thought, useful piece of knowledge or something that I believe others would want to know (most of the time). I've recently started using Foursquare, which will post my current location on Twitter.
Twitter already has the current location feature, so why would you want to use a different social networking site to post this? Well, I don't exactly have an answer. Although I am finding that Foursquare is more like a game. You check in to locations to earn badges and mayorships. A mayorship means that you have checked in to this location more than anyone else. Badges are more like fun milestones for certain types of check-ins. Foursquare will share your progress and location on your Twitter or Facebook, whichever you choose.
I just started using Foursquare last week. I've since used it to check into 3 locations and got one badge. The newbie badge. I've added 3 friends who use it, and I don't see that list expanding too much. I don't see myself checking into locations ALL THE TIME, but maybe if I am somewhere interesting, I'll look it up on Foursquare and let it post a tweet. It's interesting how it interacts with Twitter, and even Facebook but I choose not to do this.
It also brings up the issue of privacy, and just being plain creepy. But I choose when to post, so I'm not too concerned. Also if I see a friend has posted they are in a similar location to me. I probably won't be afraid to contact them, as they have decided to publicly share their location.
The Foursquare Police! I thought this was entertaining because what stops people from lying about their location?
I can see Foursquare being very useful if it had an extensive base of users. It would be very interesting to be able to meet up with friends just by seeing that they have checked into the same location as you. However, just like Twitter, I think that people find this social network too intrusive to be adopted my many users.
I don't know how I'm going to use Foursquare in the future. Or if I will continue to use it. I've never tried real time location updates before, but this is going to be my trial run and add to my Twitter Feed.
As a Foursquare junkie, Darin, I am enjoying this blog.
ReplyDeleteVERY GOOD work - be sure to "caption and credit" your photo embed for excellence.
Go for it,
Dr. W